Albin Kaczka discovered his calling for DJing as a teenager, and started playing music at small parties at first. As he developed his DJ skills, in 2014, Radio Deep offered Albin the opportunity to have his own radio show in their schedule. After that he started having some major gigs and many other parties in […]
Raresh Rush este pasionat de muzica inca din copilarie, dar si-a inceput cariera de dj imediat dupa majorat. Dupa cativa ani de acumulare, a facut pasul si spre productia muzicala. Dj-ingul si productia le-a invatat de unul singur, storcand internetul de tot felul de informatii care sa-l ajute in acest sens. Ca stil muzical, Raresh […]
Feeling the vibe from a very young age and growing up with trance and house music I grew the passion for playing music from high school and developed the skills for it when I was in Spain. Started playing in small venues on “cheap” gear and learned how to make the crowd feel the music. […]